Juicy Dried Peaches
Peaches are soft juicy fruit from a small Chinese tree which are widely cultivated throughout the temperate regions. The fleshy juicy exterior part of the fruit is edible but the inside hard part which is called as stone or pit is not eatable. Dried peaches contains a momentous amount of potassium, vitamin C and A, and has a higher concentration in nutritive. Peaches belong to the Rosaceae family and it is categorized as clingstone, freestone or semi–freestone. Fresh peaches are obtained during July and August seasons. What are the benefits does the dried peaches yields us? It is recommended for reducing cholesterol in blood, in preventing cardiovascular diseases and renal diseases. Apart from this, dried peaches can be used as weight reducing fruit since it perishes the fat layers in the human body.
How to dry peaches? There are few tips on how to dry the peaches. At first you need to check whether the peaches are fully ripened and not overly ripen. Wash and slice the peaches, make sure that the peaches are sliced with the same size and tiny enough so that all the pieces get dried at the same time. Place the peaches in the oven and heat it until it is dry. Pasteurization can preserve the dried preaches for longer time and it will be of high-quality if it is kept in an air tight container. Dried peaches can be taken without peeling the skin and it can be easily digested. There is no sugar content in these peaches but high mineral content which makes this dry fruit so special.